What Should I Read?

What Should I Read?

Staff Picks
Titles read by our staff and recommended to you. These books can be found in the "Staff Picks" display in Readers' Services located on the second floor. New recommendations are added on a continuing basis so come by and see what your library staff likes to read!

By Genre


By Author



Suggestions for further reading and watching that share appeal characteristics of hit books and television series.


Just For Me
Get a personalized reading recommendation from a Readers' Services Librarian.


Thursdays 12 to 1 PM
Join librarians from around the world on Twitter for #AskALibrarian to offer you reading suggestions based on your requests.  With Donna Burger, Readers' Services Librarian.


Title Swap Suggestions

Every quarter, patrons and Readers' Services librarians gather in front of the fireplace to share titles they've enjoyed.


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